Through history, Dalmatia as a region has always kept a specific culture. Before Croatians settled on this area, Illyrian tribes and the Romans made Dalmatia a highly cultivated place which we can witness today through numerous archaeological and cultural remains.
Today, Dalmatia as a Croatian region is well known for its tourism, maritime and shipbuilding industry as well as a wine producing area. In that sense, a group of experienced enthusiasts with long period of work in tourism created Dalmatia Heritage project as an idea to enrich our guests with an authentic experience through Dalmatia's historical and cultural sites intertwined with our clear blue sea and never-ending sunshine.
Our offer includes day tours and excursions as well as package tours consisting of 3 or more days. Our mission is to make the best of your stay in Croatia and give you a chance to meet its hidden parts and stand in places where history was made.
Discover Dalmatia with us and create your own piece of history.
Dalmatia Heritage project is brought to you by an experienced tourist and travel agency founded in 2008, Shuttle Tours d.o.o. putnička agencija. With responsible and professional employees Shuttle Tours guarantees personal, professional and on time first class service.
Shuttle Tours d.o.o. Travel agency
Vlasnička struktura / Ownership structure: 100% private, family company
ID code: HR-AB-23-110018518
Matični broj / Registration number: 2442957
OIB / VAT : 60026889658
Voditelj poslova / Director: Tatjana Rančić (CEO)
Članstvo / Memberships: UHPA (Assosiacition of Croatian travel agencies), Travelife, sustainability in tourism
Certificates & Awards: ISO 9001:2015
Sjedište / Company head office: Shuttle Tours d.o.o., Franje Kuhača 10A, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
*Upisana pri trgovačkom sudu u Zadru, osnovana 1.listopada 2008. MBS110018518, temeljni kapital 150.00,00kn uplaćen u cijelosti / Registered at the Commercial Court in Zadar, established on October 1, 2008, MBS110018518, capital in the amount of 150.000,00 kn paid in full
Predsjednik uprave / President of the Management Board of the Company: Dragan Kostadinović
Adresa poslovnice / Location of the branch office: Shuttle Tours d.o.o., Don Ive Prodana 13, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
Radno vrijeme / Working hours: Ne radimo s klijentima u uredu, unaprijed dogovoriti sastanak / On request only
E-mail: info@dalmatia-heritage.com
Phone: 00 385 23 313 388
Fax: 00 385 23 313 391
Mobile phone: 00 385 99 233 1383
Bank Address: Račkoga 6
10 000 Zagreb
IBAN CODE: HR3523400091110470343
Nadležno tijelo za službeni nadzor djelatnosti turističke agencije je : Državni inspektorat, Turistička inspekcija, Šubićeva 29, 10000 Zagreb
Kupci i korisnici naših usluga eventualne prigovore u pisanom obliku mogu poslati na mail info@dalmatia-heritage.com ili poštom na adresu poslovnice.
The competent authority for official control of the activities of tourist agency is the State Inspectorate - Tourism Inspection, Šubićeva 29, 10000 Zagreb.
Customers and users of our services can make written submissions by e-mail at info@dalmatia-heritage.com or by sending a letter via post office to our branch address.